‘ W
t A
Th e h o lid ay se aso n is fast approaching.
Now is the tim e to touch up your h e alth
an d b e a u ty ro u tin e so you can look and
feel your best at fam ily gatherings and
other festive events.
Here are five
easy tips
to get you
from festive
this holiday
M a k e o v e r Y o u r
M a k e -u p
Experiment with new makeup
in the weeks leading up to
the holidays. Find out what
complements your face and be
more adventurous than your
everyday routine. Crème eye
shadows, bronzing powder and
glitter will add a festive touch.
L o o k P o lis h e d
Make sure your hands are
ready to mingle. A well-
manicured handshake
always makes a good
impression. Whether you
want to manicure your own
fingernails or get them done
professionally, have fun and
experiment with a bold color.
Tu rn H e a d s T h is
H o lid a y
‘Tis the season to try
something new. Not ready
for a permanent change?
Look for a temporary hair
color that brightens and
adds shine so you can
really sparkle this holiday.
G iv e Y o u r A rm s
a Lift
Many holiday fashions are
sleeveless, so sculpt your arms
by simply using
lb. hand
weights when you’re watching
TV or talking on the phone. You'll
notice an improvement in as little
as two weeks. Plus, it will make
lugging all those shopping bags
a lot easier!
R e lie v e S t re s s
For many people, the holidays
are one of the most stressful
times of the year. Give
yourself an early holiday gift.
Take time out to put on some
holiday music, light some
candles and pamper yourself
with a warm, relaxing bath.